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The following update is from Tom Gage, BHIA President


Bay Head Beach Update - Tom Gage, BHIA President

Suzanne (Suzie) Van Schoick

Suzanne B. Van Schoick (Suzie Van) is a life-long, year-round resident of Bay Head...

Suzanne B. Van Schoick (Suzie Van) is a life-long, year-round resident of Bay Head...

Mar 18 2 minutes read

Badge Fees, Opening Day, Rules, and more...

"To whom it may concern:


We are pleased to offer some guidance on what we consider to be the most common questions for newcomers to town in regards to purchasing beach badges and basic beach policies.

  1. The beach with Lifeguards and full staff will be open Saturday, June 19th and close on September 6th, Labor Day.  Badges will be required during this period.
  2. The Lifeguards are on duty from 10:00 am to 5:25 pm daily.
  3. A full season badge is $90.00, a half season badge is $50.00 and daily badges are $9.00.  A half season badge is for the period June 19th through July 31st and also August 1st through September 6th.
  4. Children under 12 years of age do not need a badge but must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age.
  5. Daily badges must be purchased on the day of use at our office at 532 Lake Ave in the Sandy Rail building at the corner of Lake Ave and Mount St.  Seasonal and half season badges may be purchased on Saturday, May 29th and Sunday May 30th from 10:00-2:00 (Memorial Day weekend), and the following weekend Saturday, June 5th and Sunday June 6th from 10:00-2:00.  Starting June 12th our office will be open every day from 10:00-2:00  and beginning on Opening Day, June 19th we will be open 9:30-4:40 every day through labor Day.
  6. No food or drink is permitted on the beach.  Water is permitted.
  7. No dogs are allowed on the beach at any time.
  8. With gratitude we will again offer courtesy badges to active military personnel with identification.

Although the beach suffered major damage this winter, we are confident that our Opening Day will not be affected and will be open as scheduled, fully staffed.

Most sincerely,

Tom Gage, President"

If you have any questions...

about the beaches, the town, or anything else, please let us know!

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